Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Jan. 20 - Jonathan Videos

Jonathan really enjoys singing and dancing these days. "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes," is a particular hit, but we'll also catch him stomping around the house and swinging his arms as he's "giant stepping for Blue's clues." Boy, if I had as much energy as that little guy, I'd lose my extra baby/worry weight in no time.

After his bath last Saturday, he spent nearly a half hour goofing around in front of the mirror "giant stepping for Blue's clues" and asking, "Where?! Where's the clue? Where? Where's a clue? Where? Where? Where? Wha-wha-ra-ra-ra-ra!"

He sure keeps us entertained. And he finds himself rather amusing, too. Any time he catches us sitting at the computer, he hustles over to watch movies of himself. "More pictures Jonathan!"And he doesn't take no for an answer very graciously, either. Those are the times when good distracting skills are critical.

1 comment:

  1. Muahahahahah! I so needed that to start my night! I love how he's so intent to keep going that he's still grabbing for his knees and toes after he's flopped over onto his back on the blanket. TOO CUTE!
