Thursday, November 19, 2009


Here are some more pictures of Garrett. Just as a warning, I'm including some of the scary pictures of him hooked up to everything.

But first, here are some more from his first hours of life:

And here are some from the PICU:

Here Garrett is wearing a cap for his first EEG. He ditched the cap when the EEG was over, but everything else stayed -- monitors, IVs, breathing tube, catheter, eye goop. No parent wants to see their baby in this condition. Definitely the thing nightmares are made of.

Below are some pictures from Jonathan's visit Tuesday. At 18 months, he doesn't have any idea of what's going on. He's getting to spend a lot of time with Aunt Jean, who watches him during the week when Chris and I work, so it's close to the normal routine for him. The only difference is that he's not getting to see much of Mom. So far, he seems to be busy and distracted enough not to miss me too much.

After Jonathan's visit, the EEG was over, so the leads came off. That meant a lot of pulling on Garrett's little scalp to detach the wires, which he did not appreciate, but as the nurses tried to gently wash out the dried up glue gobs, he relaxed and enjoyed the head massage. Seeing how he responded to that, I've been rubbing his fuzzy little noggin a lot last night and this morning.

It's nice to seem him actually look somewhat peaceful, despite all of the contraptions he's hooked up to.

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