Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Jan. 5 - Back to Work

The first day back to work seemed to go all right. I decided to take the bus, and was grateful the -4 temperature kept people from lining up ahead of time (no line means no time to chat). I'm keeping my old schedule of being off on Wednesdays, so we'll see what Thursday will bring.

I don't plan on taking Jonathan sledding today (it's still too cold, in my book) but here are some pictures of him with Chris from a couple weeks ago when it was a little warmer outside. Jonathan seemed to enjoy it, until he decided he'd had enough and was ready to come inside (last picture).


  1. I LOVE the last picture. He is so adorable!

  2. Yes, Mindi, I am still checking your blog regularly. I want you to know how much I love you. Not a day goes by without lifting you, Chris and Jonathan before the Lord of comfort.
    Aunt Barb
