Saturday, May 22, 2010

May 22 - Big News

I've been thinking about a few lines from John Mayer's song "Wheel" lately:
And if you never stop when you wave goodbye
You just might find if you give it time
You will wave hello again
You just might wave hello again

With that, Chris and I are happy to share that we are expecting another addition to our family in late November or early December. The due date is Dec. 7, but since it'll be another planned C-section, this munchkin will most likely be born some time the week before that.

Having been thoroughly assured that Garrett's condition was a rare (approximately 1 in 3 million), unexplainable, but nonhereditary thing, we have no reason to think this little blessing will be anything other than perfectly healthy. Of course, another baby could never replace Garrett ... When he passed away, though, we not only had the grief of losing a child, but we also were sent reeling by how far our plans and dreams for a family had been knocked off course. As parents, I don't think we'll ever fully get over losing him, but it feels good to take a step toward getting our vision for a family back on track. And, honestly, I'm thankful that the timing of this little one's arrival will offset some of the rough memories of last Thanksgiving and Christmas.

So here's to a joyous holiday season, a house filled with baby sounds and burp cloths, early sibling affection and rivalry, and nights of sleep sacrificed for diaper changes and snuggles. This year, we'll actually get a Christmas tree and pull out all our decorations. And if we're really on top of things, maybe we'll even send out cards wishing everyone a happy New Year.

1 comment:

  1. Last Sunday we sang a Newsboys song "Blessed Be The Name of the Lord", and though I've heard it many times before the words really hit home now.

    We are called to 'bless the name of the Lord when the sun's shining down on me and the world's all as it should be'.

    And we are called to 'bless the name of the Lord on the road marked with suffering and there's pain in the offering'.

    'God gives and takes away but my heart will choose to say blessed be the name of the Lord'.

    Last December we were devastated when God took away our precious Garrett. Still we blessed His name. I too doubt we'll ever completely get over losing him.

    But how amazing is our Lord when He then gives you and Chris another incredible gift - a child to be born the following December.

    We are all so happy for you!!!! It will be so wonderful to see this little one face to face!

    All of our love and prayers to your growing family!

