Saturday, November 21, 2009

PICU - Day 7 - Pictures and Video

The short summary for today is that Garrett just keeps getting better. I'll type up an actual post when my hands aren't half occupied with better things (i.e., holding Garrett), but in the mean time, here are some pictures and a video.

Garrett is slowly getting detached. His catheter was removed yesterday, and they plan on removing the feeding tube and UVC line (through the umbilical cord) tomorrow.

Now that Garrett gets to nurse, I get to see that serene, full-tummy contentment while he sleeps.

 Jean, Tom, Chris (Dad), Jerry, Steve and Jonathan have been frequent guests in the PICU waiting area. Today, Garrett's cousin, TyTy, came along too.

Garrett's color is looking better. He had a little bit of jaundice.


  1. Garrett is looking good! I love the video of him! Oh my goodness!

  2. Boy does he have the Rossing eye brows!!! Tall tail sign of what he is thinking!! LOL Congrats on all the improvment. He is super Cute. Can't wait to meet him.

