Saturday, November 28, 2009

Saint Marys - Day 14

Yesterday and today were pretty much the same: waiting and watching. I think what they're watching the most right now is Garrett's weight. He was up just a little from two days ago to yesterday, but down some from yesterday to today.

The frustrating thing is that he eats really well, but a lot of the time, he throws it all up again -- and I mean all. Sometimes I wonder if he's even throwing up part of what he had at the previous feeding. I thought if I could get a handle on the burping, that would help keep it down, and it seemed like that was working last night and this morning. This afternoon and evening, however, it didn't seem to matter how often or how effectively I burped him. He still threw up a lot.

My new theory is that when his respiratory rate is high, he has trouble coordinating breathing and swallowing, so he gets more air in his stomach than he should. In addition to the frequent burping, now I'll be careful to not let him eat unless he's relaxed enough to swallow in a controlled manner.

Tomorrow will probably be more waiting and watching, too. I think someone mentioned the cardiologists wanting another echocardiogram of Garrett's heart next week. I'm hoping that can happen Monday, because this place is starting to feel like a prison, and I hate the thought of a test holding us up any longer than we have to be here.

Here's hoping Garrett eats really well tonight (and keeps everything down) so he can be nice and hefty for tomorrow morning's weighing and encourage the doctors to send us home soon.

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